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Recent publications and proceedings
T. Tisue.
2012. Zebra Mussels in Duck
Lake. Proceedings 8th Michigan Clean Waters Corps
(Micorps) Conference, November 4 – 5, Ralph A. McMullan Center, Higgins Lake,
Michigan. http://micorps.net/conference2012_proceedings.html J. Auch, G. Mund, and T. Tisue. The White Lake, Michigan, Area of Concern. 2013. Abstracts,
Intl. Assn. for Great Lakes Research Annual Conference, June 3 - 6, West Lafayette, Indiana.
T. Tisue. Volunteer
Lake & Stream Monitoring: Experience with the Michigan Clean Water Corps Programs. 2014. Abstracts, Intl. Assn.
for Great Lakes Research Annual Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, 26 - 30 May 2014.
T. Tisue, L. Dutcher, and B. Grob. Initial experience with MiCorps road-stream crossing assessment protocols and Roadsoft
database. 11th Annual MiCorps Conference, Kettunen Center, Tustin MI, 4 - 5 Nov. 2015. (invited contribution, available at
Tisue, Thomas. Road-Stream Crossings:
Characterization and Remediation. Poster presentation at the 12th Annual Stewardship Network Conference, East Lansing, Michigan,
13 - 14 January 2017
Aerin W. Benavides,Julie Feldt,Terry A. Gates, John Jungck, Colleen Hitchcock, Thomas Tisue. Citizen Science At The College
Level: Learning, Research And Mentoring. Abstracts,Citizen Science Association, Minneapolis-St. Paul MN. May 2017
Tisue, Thomas. Creating Research Opportunities through Links to Citizen Science. 13th Annual Conference, Michigan Clean Water
Corps, Kettunen Center, Tustin MI, 8-9 Nov., 2017.